
comedy writer & copywriter

Jason is a Brooklyn-based writer and comedian. He wrote these sketches.

“Drag Chess”

"Deer in the House!"

“Guess Who: Laurie Metcalf”

"Ryan Murphy's Pitches"

"Robot Can't Catch Balloons"

"Villain's Drink"

“Billy in the Mansion”

"End of an Action Movie"

“The Bath Bomb’s Sacrifice”

“Chicka Chicka Boom Boom”

“Baked by Melissa”

"Sisters In Law"

"Mean Girl Pokémon"

Fire Island Lip Sync

"Humans the Gathering"

"Royal Roomba Wig A Wig"

"National Bunco Finals"

“Sorting of Albus Dumbledore”

“Gay Twitter”


"Gay Bottom Serial Killer"

“Chef’s Kiss”

"Enchanted Hardware"

"Hyrule Sucks"

"Do Not Throw Up"

“Peacock Mating”